Sunday, July 28, 2013

The first post

It's past 2am. I have a 7am run appointment with a good friend, and I need to sleep. Instead, I'm up setting up a new blog. A homemaking blog. Who would have thought, right?

I realized very recently that one of the ways I deal with stress is to pick up a new project and distract myself with that. So, in the midst of job hunting, I've decided to reorganize our home and make it more streamlined. No one has complained about how the house is now, and I'm sure whatever changes I make won't make much of a difference. However, it calms me down so I don't have to think about what is stressing me out too much. Hence, the randomness of my homemaking adventure.

I don't expect to share any groundbreaking insights about homemaking on here, just photos and updates from projects I'll be doing around the house. I hope you have fun watching me de-stress through my projects.

Okay, off to bed I go now.